I need a place to put ideas that I don’t have time to pursue in that instant… so here they are!

5-16-9 Kryptos was part of the K1 vigenere table, the K2 vigenere table, and according to that one fella recently is the key to the columnar transposition of K3. So how in the world is it involved in K4? Possible Lead

5-16-9 Is the vigenere table carved on panel 3 and 4 a true vigenere table? Not exactly.

5-16-9 How would one use steganography in the Morse or copperplate? It seems like a difficult thing to add in. There’s enough going on already with the two vigenere ciphers, weirdness of K3 and everything. My guess would then be that it’s either in orientations, typos (although not much luck there) or the so far unused panels 3 and 4. Hmm…

5-17-9 In the morse code there’s a phrase “digetal interpretatiu” which seems generally accepted as “digital interpretation”. The problem is that Kryptos was finished in 1990. I was 9 years old and digital interpretation meant playing Oregon Trail and my character dying of cholera. Almost 20 years ago, digital interpretation meant something quite different than it does today. Like I said though, I was 9, I’m not really sure what was digital back in the day; besides watches… Maybe Binary?

5-17-9 Are the phrases in the morse code possibly anagrams? Do we need to include any of the extra e’s or are they just for show? Plausible Attempt

5-17-9 Is it relevant that the quote from K3 is different from the King Tut excavation journal? Click here for a comparison.

5-18-9 Is it possible that 97 letters in K4 is too many. Although small, is it possible that by removing every other, every third or a specific letter it will reveal the true ciphered message? Click here for my search results.

5-18-9 What are the odds that K4 is not in English? According to Ed Scheidt, it is in English but this doesn’t preclude a possible conversion to numbers and back to letters.

5-18-9 How significant is it that the letters of ciphertext that are typos in the plaintext: i(q)lusion and undergr(u)und are K and R or the first part of Kryptos?

5-18-9 In K4 on the right hand side of the ciphertext you can find 3 digraphs: KR, YP, OS which are only lacking the T to spell Kryptos. How does this relate to the morse code message of T is your position? Sort of an answer here.

5-19-9 Should K4 be arranged in a different way? Besides lines or in a table, maybe they can be lined up in circular rings? Attempted this one.

5-19-9 I know there’s not much chance of us being able to see it until the CIA allows it but I’m sure everyone has reached the same conclusion about the nature of the copperplate in Kryptos (especially after the Cyrillic projector): light is meant to be passed through it in some fashion to reveal something. No way to know without the time of day, type of light, position of source and position of observation. It is possible we already have the source or observation point with the geographical coordinates…

5-19-9 What happens when you combine the two halves of the copperplate? (Overlay the text) Tried this but not much luck without a translated K4.

5-19-9 Does the position of the typos in translatable text have any bearing on their position on the carved vigenere table? Not yet.

5-19-9 What’s the point of spending all of this time encrypting 4 separate passages in devious methods and then spending an equal amount of time carving an apparently useless table on the other side? Yes, yes, yes; vigenere ciphers look and sound awesome but they are very easily broken (in theory) and they aren’t the sum and whole of cryptology. Despite all of that, they make up 3/4 of this huge piece of carved copper. Why?

5-19-9 So if you were discussing statistics with someone, you work in powers of 10 typically because that kind of math is easier. 10/100 being 0.1 or 10%. When letter frequencies are discussed in teaching certain aspects of cryptology, they are expressed in data sets of 100, as in “In a paragrah of 100 words, the theoretical frequency of each letter is ____”. K4 has 97 letters, the ? is from K3 because it ends in a question. If it was for K4 there would be other symbols besides a lone question mark. We almost have 100 letters and if you look at the letter frequency, you would describe the cipher method by the letter frequencies. It appears polyalphabetic because the common letter peaks and uncommon letter valleys are evened out or “masked”. Despite all of that, I find it very interesting that every single letter in the alphabet is found in K4. Why?

5-19-9 Is it possible that our perception of K4 is backwards? We assume we are looking at an enciphered piece of text. Maybe we’re looking at a key. Either the key itself will give us an answer or the application of K4 to something else will present the solution. Who knows…

5-19-9 The Copperplate makes an S shape with half of it curved around the water. The plate around the water is reversed from the plate to the left (panels 1 and 2, K1-4). It’s reversed but if you were to look in the reflection it would be in the right orientation. What’s on the other side of the K1-4 side? Cement? Buried Pirate Treasure!?!

5-20-9 Is there a hidden layer under the copperplate?

5-20-9 Is it necessary to observe part of Kryptos under different wavelengths (i.e. colors)?

5-20-9 I was curious to know and found out that copper is not affected by magnetism unless mixed other metals. Perhaps the copperplate is an alloy?

5-20-9 A late night thought: copper/zinc could make a really simple battery.

5-20-9 I doubt it has anything to do with K4 but a puzzle solvable by origami folding would be awesome. It is possible that we need to print K4 and then use several folds to align a message, although not quite as complicated as origami.

5-20-9 I thought of the Rubix cube as far as a moving three dimensional matrix of letters but the numbers don’t quite match up. Then I wondered if K4 needed to be wrapped around geometrical shapes but just couldn’t seem to make this idea plausible.

5-20-9 If we remove the letters that make up KRYPTOS from K4 then we are left with 90 letters which can easily be gridded into a 5×18 or 6×15 or 9×10 (2×45, 3×30 seem clumsyto work with) grid. This may fulfill all the steganography we need and allow a reverse engineering of the transposition to occur. Too bad I’m not very good at that yet… I did post the tables however.

5-24-9 Is K4 a trifid cipher?

5-24-9 Is K4 a Playfair cipher?

5-24-9 Is K4 a Four-Square cipher?

5-24-9 Is K4 a binary cipher?

6-1-9 What if you arrange the morse code into a pyramid? Attempted.

6-1-9 What if you arrange K4 into a pyramid? Doesn’t work.

6-1-9 Is the Morse code a rail cipher? Nope!

6-1-9 Is it possible to force a K4 Foursquare solution without knowing the keywords?

6-1-9 Do we need to transpose K4 into numbers, do math, and bring it back out?

6-1-9 Do we need to subtract a keyword from the Morse code to find a hidden message? Doubt it.

6-5-9  Is it possible to subtract out enough of the odd frequency letters to return the K4 frequency letters to approximately normal?  i.e. remove some q’s maybe a few X’s and Z’s?  But how do we know which ones to remove?  It would be tricky to remove the nulls on a substituted cipher but not impossible, it would be perhaps easier to remove the nulls of a plaintext cipher.

Kryptos Fan