Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505


Dear CIA Freedom of Information Act Officer:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, I am requesting information or records concerning the KRYPTOS Sculpture at the Central Intelligence Agency.

I am particularly interested in receiving documents or photos that have not been previously publicly released.  Another specific interest would be anything concerning the fourth unsolved part.  I’m also interested in the “ancient ciphers” that are only mentioned on the CIA’s Kryptos page that are said to be near the Morse code.  If it’s possible to send me the materials in a digital format to save on costs I think that would benefit everyone.

This request falls into the fee category “Representatives of the News Media” because I write and publish an extensive and popular blog on cryptography in general and in particular on aspects of decrypting the Kryptos sculpture inscriptions. If there are any fees for searching for, reviewing, or copying the records, please notify me before processing if the amount exceeds $30 but I would also submit that this request may qualify for a fee waiver.  My intent for this request is to post everything you send me online at a free blog I maintain ( and this will be readily available to the anyone interested.  In my humble opinion, this would forestall future FOIA requests on the same subject and hopefully spur open public discussions.  It may also cut down some of the emails and phone calls from the crazies as well if they know they can freely access everything online that the CIA has to offer.

If you have any questions about this request you can email me any time.

Thank you,
